Member's Dashboard for Overcoming Adversity: The 7 R Comeback Formula
In this four part series, you will discover the true nature of problems and how to approach problems in a new way. Develop the mindset of a winner while learning the 7 R Comeback Formula. Access both the 4 levels of learning and the 3 areas of knowledge. When you do this, great quantum leaps become possible in your life.
CB Module 2 Home- The Winner’s Edge: How to Develop the Attitude of a Continuous Learner
Module CB2v1 Developing the Attitude of a Continuous Learner (Part 1 of 2)

 Module CB2v1 Developing the Attitude of a Continuous Learner (Part 1 of 2)

 Description of CB2v1: Your life does not have to be a struggle unless you choose to make it that way. You can learn how to cope with adversity in your life so that it can become a learning experience that moves you forward instead of holding you back. Learn how to develop that type of winning mindset that helps you overcome obstacles. A key ingredient is the attitude of a continuous learner. Don’t let problems block you from going for your dreams or your goals. Part 1 of 2