Member's Dashboard for Overcoming Adversity: The 7 R Comeback Formula
In this four part series, you will discover the true nature of problems and how to approach problems in a new way. Develop the mindset of a winner while learning the 7 R Comeback Formula. Access both the 4 levels of learning and the 3 areas of knowledge. When you do this, great quantum leaps become possible in your life.
CB Module 2 Home- The Winner’s Edge: How to Develop the Attitude of a Continuous Learner
Module CB2v3 The Golden Buddha and You

Module CB2v3 The Golden Buddha and You

Description of CB 2v3: Clay, gold , the Buddha and you. Your limiting beliefs have covered you with clay. This clay covers the truth so that the myth or façade is now assumed to be you. The truth has been forgotten and those false beliefs have been given a reality of their own. But the clay façade of limitation and physicality are not really you.